Monday, March 11, 2019


In the beginning there was Double Dragon and then, there were its sons: P.O.W., a beat’em up released by SNK, was one of the most successful during 1988.

The game is set in Vietnam: your alter-ego is Snake (recurrent name in the history of videogames), a Prisoner Of War who’s trying to escape from his jail. But don’t expect your trip to be easy, since, before tasting the coveted freedom, you are going to push through hordes of enemies, eager to bring you back to prison and become again a P.O.W.

Thanks to your military training, you can use kicks and punches to move on and occasionally you could find also more or less effective weapons (like knife or machine-gun).

Moreover, if you find a friend fool enough, you can have your journey alongside him, since P.O.W. allows co-operative play. But differently than many beat’em-ups you and your friend are intangible for each other, something that decreases the sense of reality of the game (I know that there’s already not much of it in any game of that kind).

Unfortunately P.O.W. has a problem: lack of diversity. Enemies, attack patterns, weapons that can be collected and, at the end of the day, the whole gameplay: all of them are almost the same through all the game, destroying the curiosity to see what’s next, because you already know that. If you add to that the fact that P.O.W. is really difficult, it is easy to understand that there’s no much fun here and when the thousandth lookalike enemy is going to hit you you’ll be thinking about dropping the game.

How is P.O.W. aged?

Graphic: SNK games are usually remembered for good quality graphic and P.O.W.makes no exception, but the game is lacking in diversity of characters (as far as I went, nothing similar as final stage boss showed up).
Sound: nice soundtrack
Playability: well… after a while you’ll become fed up with brainless, made with the stencil, enemies knocking over you.
Signs of the time: P.O.W. cannot disguise its age, after half-an-hour of play my mind started thinking about Final Fight or Golden Axe.
Overall: dust binder.

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